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Attendance policies

How to Write a School Attendance Policy That Improves Attendance clearly defines terms related to attendance along with a clear process. It may not be what your board needs but you get the idea. Whatever the terms of any policy and process, they need to be clear.

California School Boards Association (CSBA) has a sample policy for Chronic Absence and Truancy. It’s an extensive policy and process which is intended to support the goal of student achievement and graduation through collaboration with parents and community agencies. California has had some good success using restorative practices in situations of chronic absenteeism. Again, be clear on the policy terms and processes.

Nova Scotia’s Provincial Student Attendance and Engagement Policy recognizes the need for students to attend school in order to be successful in learning.

Research informs Attendance Policies in this report page 13 ff INCREASING STUDENT ATTENDANCE: Strategies From Research and Practice (JUNE 2004 NORTHWEST REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL LABORATORY PORTLAND, OREGON)