Black and brown boys describe adults in school as not caring about them May9/22

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Student voices from black and brown boys describe adults as not caring and having the attitude that “you’re not worth it!” This is the powerful and helpful language from Abdul-Malik Muhammad in his chapter contribution “The Cipher, Circle and Restorative Practices with Black and Brown Boys” in the book  Colorizing Restorative Justice: Voicing our Realities. Shelley, Steve and Stan talk about the Social Discipline Window as seen through the experiences of black and brown boys in schools. It’s a powerful chapter which highlights the passive violence of NOT caring (neglectful box), the trauma inducing control of the TO box (authoritarian) and how educators cripple motivation and drive in students by doing things FOR students(permissive). A restorative approach WITH students is intentional in teaching the language of affect and emotion while recognizing that behaviours are a form of expression.

Restorative practices suggestions:

  • Revisit the Social Discipline Window in order to reflect on your practice.
  • Student connections or the lack of connections can be clarified using the Social Discipline Window.
  • Look at the experiences and voices of black and brown boys through the Social Discipline Window.

Social Discipline Window as pdf

Social Discipline Window explained (5 min video)

Colorizing Restorative Justice: Voicing our Realities

Order Steve’s book The Restorative Principal Leading in Education with Restorative Practices