Shelley Steele

Shelley Steele is a regular collaborator with Stan & Steve and retired from the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board. She is formally trained as a Child and Youth Counsellor and has recently completed her certification in Positive Psychology. For the last 2o years she has supported families, youth and school staff. Her first 10 years with the Hastings Prince Edward DSB were spent in elementary and secondary schools as a Child and Youth Counsellor and for the last 10 years she was the supervisor with the Safe Schools Team based centrally. In the Safe Schools role, the suspension and expulsions programs, school climate, student well being and mental health were supported by Shelley.
Contact Shelley at [email protected]
Steve Young

Stephen Young is a regular collaborator with Stan and Shelley and is a retired Elementary Principal, having worked for 30 years in the York Region District School Board. He has been involved in the use of Restorative Practices in schools as a Principal since 2002. As a school leader he embedded RP into the fabric of each school to which he was assigned. He took the lead in his school board for the coordination of RP programs; organizing and delivering staff training, facilitating formal conferences and educating the school community about RP. In 2015 he earned his Master’s degree in Restorative Practices from the IIRP Graduate School in Bethlehem Pennsylvania. Steve is the author of The Restorative Principal.
Contact Steve at [email protected]