Being known and knowing others amplifies school safety – Nov. 15/22

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Connections between students and the adults at school has a big impact on school safety particularly on the trust levels needed to report a concern. Safety also depends on the adult to adult trust in the building.

2:35Create a community culture of caring

3:08Kids can build empathy through restorative practices skills

3:49Build rapport with students

4:43Be present with students to build trust

5:49Clear expectations up front builds trust

7:03Learn about the hobbies and interests of students AND adults

9:04Listen without blame or judgment

9:34Staff to staff connections impacts school safety

10:43Each person can have a helpful bit of information to contribute

11:13The stronger the relational connections, the more likely there’ll be reporting of a safety concern

12:08Restorative leaders create opportunities for conversations

12:49A story – principal sets up intentional time for staff connections

13:49End of the day provides for casual staff connections

15:25Light questions in group conversation at end of the day builds relationships between the adults

16:39Everyone needs a best friend at school

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Music by DaddysMusic from Pixabay