Complex and severe student absenteeism requires a community response, it’s not just a school problem! March 7/23

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The most severe and chronically absent students need a community surrounding them to address the issues that impact their attendance. It’s not an easy thing to do yet is essential and can benefit from a restorative approach as you’ll hear in this week’s podcast CircleForum.

“To best meet the needs of students and families, some of the recipients have adjusted the tiers and processes for attendance improvement as a way to provide students and families the individual and needed support to ensure they are successful, feel valued and are connected to their school community. Communications and interventions at the school and district levels provide education to families via newsletters and attendance presentations to inform and empower parents and/or guardians. Community resources and partnerships further help mitigate the many barriers to attendance faced by students and families.” This program identifies and recognizes school attendance improvement programs that review chronic absentee data at the district or county level—outstanding and innovative programs that will serve as models for other SARBs in the state. For more information on effective practices, see the 2015 SARB Handbook“.California Student Attendance Review Board recognition program

“graduation from TCP(Truancy Court Program) was associated with improved attendance. Approximately half of 2008-2009 TCP participants graduated from the program after one or two semesters of participation. Thus, the program can be described as effective for about half the participants. Graduation from TCP appears to be the key to achieving improved attendance as 7 well as some behavioral benefits, but analysis of participant characteristics provided limited insight into factors affecting whether a participant graduated. Further study may lead to a better understanding of the participant characteristics and program ingredients that enable participants to succeed within and outside TCP. “Evaluation of the Truancy Court Program in Baltimore City

Find out more about how to use restorative practices in a community response to absenteeism. Send me a note to