Connect the dots on absenteeism and ask what else is going on Dec. 14/21

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Risk factors can predict concerns with chronic absenteeism. Educators can connect the dots between risk factors like mobility, history of absenteeism, student behaviours, declining student achievement or health. Noticing a change is one thing. Acting on it by telling someone else is another.

Restorative suggestions:

  1. Know that there are many little things that you can do as a teacher when observing risk factors related to absenteeism.
  2. Know that you can talk to others in schools, districts and communities who can help.
  3. Establish a connection base through the relationships with students and families in order to be able to make a caring response to students.

Order Steve’s book The Restorative Principal Leading in Education with Restorative Practices

Visit CircleForum for more information about attending to student absenteeism.

Music – Scott Holmes Music – Upbeat Party