Cultivating Connections: The Power of Trusted Adults in Student Success Dec. 12/23

Educators tell me regularly that they went into education to make a difference for students. This week’s podcasts discusses the article HOW INFORMAL MENTORING BY TEACHERS, COUNSELORS, AND COACHES SUPPORTS STUDENTS’ LONG-RUN ACADEMIC SUCCESS talks about how much adults can impact academics just by doing the little things of connecting with kids. If informal mentors can make this big of a difference, imagine the possibilities if every school was more intentional about building the trusted, caring adult to student connection with those at risk of absenteeism, of academic struggles or of not graduating. Restorative practices along with a TWO by TEN (2 minutes times 10 days) can build the connections formally and less formally. Find out more about our work from or check out our website Keywords Relationships,Informal,Students,Teacher,School,Connections,Mentoring,Class, Trusted Caring Adult, Restorative practices;utm_medium=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&;utm_source=PANTHEON_STRIPPED