How can I keep conversations about student attendance going year round? May 18/23

Talking about student attendance requires regular reminders to staff.  How about using your current memos or newsletters to make it a monthly discussion in the staffroom?  In this podcast we discuss some simple attendance tips that can be part of your conversations.

1:23 Greet students at the door of the classroom.
2:18 Address students by name
2:33 Have a weekly attendance update for staff.
3:36 Welcome students back after absences
4:03 Set the tone of welcome in your classroom.
7:22 Set an intention to make a sunshine call to each parent in your classroom.
7:46 Find out 2 new things about each student.
9:11 Use an attitude of curiosity when teaching.
9:50 Ask good questions that don’t blame or shame.
Find out more about how to use restorative practices for attendance tips at school. Send me a note to
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Music by Skilsel from Pixabay