Return to Restorative Resolutions specializes in equipping school principals and  staff with effective restorative strategies to make things right when things aren’t going well. 


Principal PALS (Personal And Leadership Skills) – Annual Subscription

One on one Coaching in Restorative Leadership – online 20 minutes every 2 weeks

Principal PALS (Personal And Leadership Skills)

One on one Coaching in Restorative Leadership – online 30 minutes

Principal PALS (Personal And Leadership Skills) Platinum

One on one Coaching in Restorative Leadership – online 60 minutes

Restorative Practices Awareness Session – in person

1 Day – Belonging. Voice. Agency. These are the foundation of the social science of human dignity called Restorative Practices. its history, philosophy, applications and practices, to foster support for practitioners. in schools. When administration and management fully understand the nature of restorative practices, what is possible through its use, managers and supervisors are better able to articulate and provide support for the school practitioners – those who work directly with students and staff. Develop a greater understanding of student voice, engagement, student retention, school climate and positive classroom community.

Restorative Practices Awareness Session – Virtual

4 Hours – Belonging. Voice. Agency. These are the foundation of the social science of human dignity called Restorative Practices. its history, philosophy, applications and practices, to foster support for practitioners. in schools. When administration and management fully understand the nature of restorative practices, what is possible through its use, managers and supervisors are better able to articulate and provide support for the school practitioners – those who work directly with students and staff. Develop a greater understanding of student voice, engagement, student retention, school climate and positive classroom community.

Circles in Schools – In Person

1 day – Belonging. Voice.Agency. Great principles which are put into practices for use in school classrooms, staff rooms, and meeting rooms. The 4 one hour sessions on circles illustrate:

How to get started with circles and practice the basic and safe strategies in facilitating circles.

How to ask the right questions with a focus on practice in formulating and using questions in differing contexts for a variety of outcomes.

How to practice skills in virtual circles.

How to implement circles with staff, students and parents.

Circles in Schools – Virtual

4 hours – Belonging. Voice.Agency. Great principles which are put into practices for use in school classrooms, staff rooms, and meeting rooms. The 4 one hour sessions on circles illustrate:

How to get started with circles and practice the basic and safe strategies in facilitating circles.

How to ask the right questions with a focus on practice in formulating and using questions in differing contexts for a variety of outcomes.

How to practice skills in virtual circles.

How to implement circles with staff, students and parents.

Attending to Student Absenteeism: TWO by TEN

In order for Principals and Superintendents of elementary and secondary schools to address students who are chronically absent, referrals to attendance specialists are not enough.Principals and Superintendents need to use what schools have hiding in plain sight.

Belonging. Voice. Agency. These principles are applied to a whole school approach to students who are persistently and chronically absent by connections built WITH a trusted caring adult who is already in the school building. The trusted caring adult is a protective factor in early identification of risk factors associated with chronic absenteeism and increases the student’s sense of belonging at school. Caring adults’ restorative and relational skills are enhanced through online training which:

-breaks down Average Daily Attendance into students with names

-builds connections with students at risk of absenteeism

-focuses staff intention to have the greatest impact in preventing chronic absenteeism

-builds bridges of connection

-asks great questions

-listens to the answers

-is firm AND fair

-involves parents in a Fair Process