Research indicates a curriculum connected to students improve achievement and attendance – Jan. 31/23

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Each person in a school plays a role in student attendance. Teachers can do something by connecting the curriculum to relevant issues and topics in the lives of their students. Research says that students feel more confident in their learning when the curriculum is frequently connected to their lives which in turn IMPROVES ACHIEVEMENT AND ATTENDANCE!

“The results indicated that students randomly assigned to either utility value intervention, compared to the control condition, subsequently became more confident that they could learn the material, which led to increased course performance. The utility value interventions were particularly effective for the lowest-performing students. Compared to those in the control condition who showed a steady decline in performance across the semester, low-performing male students randomly assigned to the utility value conditions increased their performance across the semester. “ Making Connections: Replicating and Extending the Utility Value Intervention in the Classroom

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Music by Skilsel from Pixabay