Research says social-emotional learning and character development lowered absenteeism by 15% and suspensions by 72% Feb 21/23

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Student achievement and attendance are improved by the non-academics of social emotional learning and character education. Using a restorative lens, Shelley, Steve and Stan discuss the many positive in this program, things like interactive discussions.

Using school-level archival data, analyses comparing change from baseline (2002) to one-year post trial (2007) revealed that intervention schools scored 9.8% better on the TerraNova (2nd ed.) test for reading and 8.8% on math; 20.7% better in Hawai‘i Content and Performance Standards scores for reading and 51.4% better in math; and that intervention schools reported 15.2% lower absenteeism and fewer suspensions (72.6%) and retentions (72.7%). “

Impact of a social-emotional and character development program on school-level indicators of academic achievement, absenteeism, and disciplinary outcomes: A matched-pair, cluster randomized, controlled trial

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