Caring adult or frontline hero, here are some good ideas for sustaining professionals in traumatic times

From Kevin Cameron “

To All the Frontline Staff: The Heroes Among Us
Everything contained in this document is about every professional (frontline, support staff, others) and is applicable to staff to staff dynamics as well. There are multiple levels to organizational structure and natural informal leadership roles that form because of seniority and personality. As such, there are untold opportunities for all to make a concerted difference in the performance of our new task to circumvent the greater effects of this pandemic. Therefore, open professionals will be aware of:

a) First principle of crisis response: model calmness.
b) Understand the circularity between micro and macro dynamics.
c) Our bodies have become weaponized.
d) Treat the big things big and the little things little.
e) Make good use of unused human resources.
f) Over-functioners/Under-functioners and Natural leaders.
g) Apologize.
h) Self-Care Strategies in Appendix 1

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