Research says “supportive school climate improves student attendance” – Jan.2/23

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For Season 6 of CircleForum, we’re going to be taking a closer look at the research on things that work to improve student attendance and how that fits with restorative practices.

“Students reporting “moderate” and “negative” climate in their schools were more likely to attend schools with higher chronic absence rates than students reporting that their school had “positive” climate. Likewise, “climate challenged” schools had significantly higher chronic absence rates than “marginal climate” schools. These results suggest that school climate shares an important relation with chronic absence among adolescent students attending urban schools.” Journal of School Psychology, 2017, “How school climate relates to chronic absence: A multi–level latent profile analysis”

Using restorative circles all over the school classrooms, staffrooms,and boardrooms is an effective way to develop the positive relationships needed to improve school climate and student attendance.

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Music by Skilsel from Pixabay