Why restorative practices won’t work for bullying Part 1 of 2: Nov. 9 & 10/21

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Join our guest this week,Barbara Coloroso, as we discuss where NOT to use restorative practices. We consider an excellent response to an in-class bullying situation. Part 2 continues the conversation with what is described as adult conflict when it’s really bullying, utter disregard for another human being. “It’s a short walk from bullying to violence to genocide” says Coloroso. In her study of genocide, the numbers of indigenous people killed in North America and South America are numbers 1 and 2 ahead of the total deaths in the Holocaust.

Restorative suggestions:

  1. All students need TAO – Time, Affection, Optimism.
  2. Adults in schools can’t ignore things that aren’t right.
  3. Reflect on the fact that “it’s my place to speak up about it.”
  4. Bullying situations present opportunities to learn for adults and for students. Let your responses to bullying be guided by the perspective of the victim.

Free Resource from Barbara Coloroso An Essential Guide for Educators on Bullying

Check out Barbara’s website www.kidsareworthit.com for books, articles and resources

Order Steve’s book The Restorative Principal Leading in Education with Restorative Practices

Visit CircleForum for more information about our online trainings in restorative practices

Music – Scott Holmes Music – Upbeat Party