Relational scavenger hunt – online version from

OBJECTIVE: Participants will build relationships, get to know each other, and laugh together over Zoom!

MATERIALS A list of scavenger hunt prompts for participants to find objects in response to. A Zoom account or other video chat software that allows all participants to see each other in gallery mode.

INSTRUCTIONS Start by explaining that this is a scavenger hunt in which participants will be asked to run around their homes (or wherever they are) to find objects that relate to a list of prompts. Whoever collects objects for the greatest number of prompts will win (just like a regular scavenger hunt). Participants will have a limited amount of time (2 minutes) to collect all objects, so this game is about speed and fun! Begin with a scavenger hunt warm-up round to get people energized. Announce one item that everyone must find, and give them a really short amount of time to find it. Read activity