Tag: complexity

What you can do when students face overwhelming problems in their lives? May 23/23

When educators discover some of the reasons behind student absenteeism, it can seem like the problems are insurmountable.  One of the best things to do is recognize your own role in support student attendance since everyone at school plays a role.

Complex and severe student absenteeism requires a community response, it’s not just a school problem! March 7/23

Listen now to the podcast now on Circle Forum  The most severe and chronically absent students need a community surrounding them to address the issues that impact their attendance. It’s not an easy thing to do yet is essential and can benefit from a restorative approach as you’ll hear in this week’s podcast CircleForum. “To best …

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Research shows restorative practices has some positive effects reducing suspensions Feb.28/23

Listen now to podcast at CircleForum By itself, restorative practices does not do it all! The research shows some positive change in reducing suspensions. The recommendations coming out of this research are worth a second look. Shelley, Steve and Stan discuss how the complexity involved with attendance, suspensions and achievement require complex responses. “The authors …

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Research indicates a curriculum connected to students improve achievement and attendance – Jan. 31/23

Listen now to Circle Forum  Each person in a school plays a role in student attendance. Teachers can do something by connecting the curriculum to relevant issues and topics in the lives of their students. Research says that students feel more confident in their learning when the curriculum is frequently connected to their lives which …

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Start with data when addressing the complexity of student attendance – Dec.27/22

Listen now to recent podcasts on Circle Forum  In this fourth of 4 conversations about the complex solutions required to address student attendance issues, Shelley, Steve and Stan end where schools need to start, with the attendance data. The article published in October 2022 by Dr. Jess Whitley of the University of Ottawa and Dr. …

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