Category: Policies for Attendance

Hundreds of thousands of students haven’t logged on, reports say

“How will we know who we need to apply some extra resources to reach and connect with? Our kids are everywhere.”

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Principals’ key role in promoting a school culture of attendance positively impacts student achievement. Principals get asked about the latter not the former!

According to Attendance Works, principal can impact attendance and achievement!

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Wait, what? Now I have to teach attendance too?

Every adult in school plays a role in teaching about attendance. Raising awareness that every school day matters is part of everyone’s task at school. AttendanceWorks has a great resource to infuse attendance into daily instruction.

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Principals make a difference and impact improvements in student attendance, new study says

“Drawing on statewide data from Tennessee over a decade, … principal effects on student absences are comparable in magnitude to effects on student achievement.”

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School bus as an intervention for chronic absenteeism? Yes and it could save money in the long run too

Rural schools: consider school bus routes as an intervention for chronic absenteeism

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Student mobility and transfers from school to school has an impact on chronic absenteeism

“While some foster students choose to miss school for a variety of social or emotional reasons, foster care advocates pinpoint their constant mobility as the significant cause behind absences. “With each move, six months of instructional time is lost,” said Margaret Olmos, director of FosterEd California, a project of the National Center for Youth Law, …

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