“But when children return to school, we must ensure recess is meaningful, playful and inclusive. Why is recess so important, and why now?”
Category: Physical Health
Apr 30
“Regardless of the precise date school buildings reopen, when they do there will be a “new normal” for at least some time to come. “
“Social distancing practices in schools will be more complex than just placing desks six feet apart. Currently, there is neither good guidance nor much evidence about the effectiveness of particular school practices.”
Apr 28
In a time of distance learning, focus on health and meaningful connections
“Targeted and quality outreach toward students and families, particularly those facing economic, health and academic hardships, will lead to more engagement in the shift to distance learning. “You want to make sure your families feel supported, not bothered, in a time of crisis,” Hedy Chang, Attendance Works
Mar 23
When schools close, the safety and well being of students is affected, particularly those who are homeless
“For children and youth experiencing homelessness, early childhood settings and school may be the only source of food, education, health and mental health services, caring adults, and a safe place to be during the day. “
Mar 20
Caring for the caring adult – sleep, physical exercise, staying virtually connected and good deeds are all important during the current pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is increasing everyone’s anxiety which makes sleep, schedules, exercise, virtual connection and good deeds essential to mental wellness.
Feb 22
Students far more likely to seek mental health treatment at school if at all, US report says, putting schools in underfunded situation
One of the underlying causes of chronic student absenteeism is a mental health crisis. Recent research makes primary recommendations for early warning systems in schools and reintegration plans after prolonged absences.
Feb 14
Study: Majority of students’ feelings about high school are negative
Small wonder, then, that absenteeism becomes a concern if students don’t want to be at school. A caring adult connected to a student can determine what the causes of negativity are and become an attendance protective factor.
Jan 29
Asthma increases absenteeism for younger students, the poor and those in rural communities, study says
With limited resources in schools, it is helpful to direct school based asthma interventions to those students whose attendance is most impacted by asthma.