Category: trauma

4 considerations for a return to school Social Emotional Learning Plan

“A social emotional learning plan must prioritize relationships and human connections. “

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“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”John Lennon

Helping students cope with uncertainty: advice from psychologist
1. feeling distressed about being unable to predict what will happen is entirely normal
2. put things in perspective
3. “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

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“Regardless of the precise date school buildings reopen, when they do there will be a “new normal” for at least some time to come. “

“Social distancing practices in schools will be more complex than just placing desks six feet apart. Currently, there is neither good guidance nor much evidence about the effectiveness of particular school practices.”

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5 Virtual learning resources for building student connection: “Temperature Checks”, Notes of Appreciation, Class Journal,Morning Announcements and Building Belonging

Some excellent resources to support student social emotional learniing.

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Teachers, If You’re Not OK Right Now, You’re Not Alone: one teacher’s account of dealing with teaching from home during the pandemic

“As uncomfortable as it feels, I am slowly starting to accept that I have no choice but to sit in this moment with my students. There are no clear solutions or quick fixes. I can’t minimize the gravity of this unprecedented crisis for them or myself. For now, the best I can do for my students and myself is to accept that right now, it’s OK to not be OK.” Lory Walker Peroff

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Caring adults continuing to connect with kids through COVID-19 in ways that remind students of a morning meeting in class

Simple ways to connect with students during COVID-19

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With the COVID-19 pandemic, focus on student well being by putting compassion ahead of content

“As schools across the country remain closed, students with trauma, difficult home situations, and anxiety need support now more than ever.”

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Social Emotional Learning support for students continues through school closures: stories

“Now that students are spending more time online, educators can guide them in understanding that human connections can be lost or amplified. ” Maurice Elias

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Restorative practices build connections at a time of pandemic and social distancing

“There are many ways to connect – in person with our families at home, but also using email, phone, texts, video calling, conference calls and social media. Circles can happen virtually,.IIRP”

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Caring adult or frontline hero, here are some good ideas for sustaining professionals in traumatic times

Kevin Cameron
a) First principle of crisis response: model calmness.
b) Understand the circularity between micro and macro dynamics.
c) Our bodies have become weaponized.
d) Treat the big things big and the little things little.
e) Make good use of unused human resources.
f) Over-functioners/Under-functioners and Natural leaders.
g) Apologize.
h) Self-Care Strategies in Appendix 1

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