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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

School Absenteeism Among Middle School Students With High Exposure to Violence.

From the Abstract “Chronic school absenteeism is linked to failure to graduate high school and poor health in adulthood. Contextual factors associated with absenteeism may be under-recognized in school and clinical settings. We examined the prevalence of self-reported absenteeism and violence exposure and their association among middle school students with identified risk of trauma..”

Vulnerable children are more likely to be chronically absent particularly those children living in poverty. Attendance Works has a good slide introduction to trauma. Children’s exposure to ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) impacts school attendance.

Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs):Leveraging the best available evidence (National Centre for Injury Prevention and control) describes the impact of ACEs on health, behaviour and life potential. Among the 6 research supported strategies is connecting with a caring adult with research evidence and extensive references for support.

Center for Youth Wellness has a whole host of resources and answers to many questions about the science behind ACEs, the impact of ACEs and treatment for ACEs.

One child’s animated story illustrates the impact of ACEs.

ACE Study: Origins of Addiction by Dr. Vincent J. Felitti (2004) Read the full report referenced in TED talk by Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris (above)